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Our school charters

As part of our work on rights respecting schools children create a class charter with their teacher at the start of each school year.

The aim of a charter is to create a shared understanding of how rights will be respected, protected and promoted.

This year the children decided that they would also like to have a charter for the playground and also a whole school charter.

The rights respecting schools pupil group took ideas from across the school to create these charters which we will attach here for you to see.

Our whole school charter:

Staff will:

  • Make sure everyone is included
  • Make sure children play safely
  • Listen to everyone
  • Help us make friends and join in
  • Teach us and help us do our best
  • Make lessons fun
  • Make sure children play safely
  • Let children play
  • Be patient with all children

Pupils will:

  • Try our hardest
  • Listen to each other
  • Try not to hurt others
  • Respect everyone
  • Make sure that everyone is included
  • Be kind to everyone
  • listen to all adults and do as they ask
  • Be fair and share
  • Keep our school tidy
  • Play safe
  • Let others share their ideas

Our playground charter:

Rights respecting schools

We have some exciting news! We are now on the journey to becoming a Unicef ‘Rights Respecting School’. This is something we began work on over the last school year and over the summer we were awarded the bronze award.

Newton Park Primary School aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.  As part of this plan we are working towards recognition as a ‘Rights Respecting School’, an award given to schools on behalf of Unicef UK.

Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.

Our pupils will learn about their rights by putting them into practice every day. A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships.

We really hope that you will be able to support our school on our journey towards becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School. We will provide further information about our journey on our school website and will involve parents and carers along the way. Thanks to our group of P7 pupils who started the Rights respecting schools steering group last year and worked very hard to plan the next stage of the award. This group will now expand to include representation across all age groups.

For further information about Rights Respecting Schools please visit:

Children’s Outdoor Activities

We have been asked by Gary McDonald, Wick Active Schools coordinator to pass on some information regarding up coming activities available to your children.

Firstly, the Caithness Youth Cricket is starting again. This can be booked via the Wick Active Schools Facebook page ( Sessions begin this Sunday at the outdoor pitch at the High School from 11am-12.45pm.

Highlife Highland are holding the below Multi-sports sessions, which require to be booked online.

Term 4 East Caithness sessions

All sessions must be booked online!

Activity codeDay/dateVenueAge groupTimeActivityArea
Monday   26th April – 21st June (8 weeks)Dunbeath Play parkP1-P7   (4-12)4-5PMMulti-sportsDunbeath
  003578WICK Tuesday   27th April- 22nd June (8 weeks)Canisbay play parkP1-P7   (4-12)3.30-4.30pm    Multi-sportsCanisbay
    003581WICK    Tuesday   27th April- 22nd June (8 weeks)Keiss football fieldP1-P7   (4-12)5-6pmMulti-sportsKeiss
003586WICK Wednesday 28th April-23rd June  (8 weeks)Bignold ParkP1-P3   (4-8)3-4pmMulti-sportsWick

Wednesday 28th April-23rd June  (8 weeks)Bignold ParkP4-7   (7-12)4.15-5.15pmMulti-sportsWick
  003604WICK    Thursday 29th April- 24th June (8 weeks)Watten Play ParkP1-P7   (4-12)4-5pmMulti-sportsWatten

WAFC have also begun Fun Football Sessions

Every Thursday 13th May until 24th June

Primary 4/5 18:00 – 19:00pm

Primary 6/7 19:15 – 20:15pm

Sessions are FREE to attend and will be held on the outdoor pitch at East Caithness Community Facility.

Please book on the HLH online booking system to gain a place

As we approach the end of our first week of home learning I hope parents are now beginning to ‘find their feet’ with this task once again.   If we can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to ask for advice as we are here to help in any way we can.  During the lockdown in March – June we had some children we ‘lost’, that is they did not engage in learning and as a result they were behind their groups when they returned and many found it hard to catch up to where they had the ability to be.  I don’t want this to happen again, so it is really important that ALL children register for work each day, engage in their learning and submit or return work as requested by their teachers.  Please do your best to get your child to join in with the Google meets the teachers are organising.

If any child is not engaging we will contact parents to offer support and explain in more detail the significant effects lack of engagement can have on their child’s education, self-esteem and long term mental health.  We really want everyone to come through this lockdown period with as positive an outlook as possible.

Pupils in P1 – P4/5 are due to return packs tomorrow (Friday) and pick up next week’s pack. This can be done anytime between 9.00 and 3.00 at the school office window.  I would request that if anyone in your household has COVID confirmed or COVID symptoms of any kind that you do NOT return the pack, but you can get someone to pick up the new pack if you like.  However, if children are feeling unwell they should take time away from their studies and get back to it when they feel better.  If you just let us know we will warn the teacher not to expect them at Google meets for a day or two.

Also, for those few families who are using the school for provision, I felt I should share the ‘Adverse Weather’ information, just in case we need to close due to bad weather.  If this happens, I will put a message on dojo as I know you all check it regularly and I will also put a message on the messaging service.  You can call 0800 564 2272 and use the school pin 04 28 20 when prompted to get up to date information. The radio stations will publicise this as well, but don’t wait for them, check dojo or the number above first.

When we reopen for everyone I will put out the Adverse Weather Information leaflet as I usually do.


L Wark


Important information for all parents/carers

We have all now had time to digest the information coming from the Scottish Government and the Highland Council.  Staff have met and discussed how we can best serve our community and provide the best education possible for all our pupils whether they are learning from home or coming to school as part of the keyworker or vulnerable children support.

For the older classes of P5, P5/6, P6, P7p and P7j we plan to have children complete their work online and teachers are setting up google classroom groups this week.  All children in P6 and 7 already have Chromebooks and for those in P5 we will provide Chromebook for those who do not have a device at home.  You will be contacted later today to make arrangements to come and collect these from the school tomorrow (This includes some pupils in P6 and P7 who left their Chromebook in the school)

For the younger classes of P1, P1/2, P2, P2/3, P3, P4 and P4/5 we have prepared paper packs containing the work for next week.  This will include worksheets for literacy and numeracy and a reading book along with other work which is specific to the class.  Teachers will conduct online lessons, but the work the children need to complete will all be in the paper packs so no need to be printing things off.  We hope this will help the younger children engage with their work.  This will mean you do not necessarily need a Chromebook as long as you have a device which is suitable for your child to join in with the lessons on Google Meet.  If you have said you do not have this or if you are sharing with more than 2 children, you should be contacted today or tomorrow to collect a device.  If you have not been contacted by lunchtime tomorrow but feel you have been missed out, then please phone the school tomorrow afternoon (609702).

For all classes, teachers will provide literacy, numeracy and other work to be completed each day Monday to Thursday and then give ideas for some additional activities to do on a Friday.  Each teacher’s timetable will give details of how each day will look, but staff have agreed that a Friday will be more of a fun day with drop in sessions with the teacher and time to catch up any work not done during the week.

We really want to ensure that all children continue their education during this lockdown and so will expect all pupils to engage with their activities being given by the teacher and also to submit all literacy and numeracy work as a minimum.   I’m sure all parents will agree that we cannot afford to disrupt their child’s education any more that is necessary.  For older pupils this will be submitting their work online and for younger ones we expect the worksheets in the packs to be returned.

The plan for the younger group will be to collect the first pack tomorrow (Friday 8th Jan) then return this the next Friday with the completed work and the reading book in the pack and collect the next week’s pack.  In this way parents can quarantine the pack for 72 hours and be ready to start work on the Monday so that we keep everyone safe.  I realise the government message is to ‘stay at home’ but you are allowed to go out each day for exercise and we would ask that you pick up the pack at this time from the school office which will be open each Friday from 9.00 – 3.00 for this purpose.  You are welcome to get together and support each other by delivering packs to friends and neighbours if this will make things easier for everyone.

Further details will be given by each class teacher about how things will work in their class.

For those of you who will be attending school either part time or full time, I will send and second message specifically for you to give further instructions as to how this will work as this message is long enough already.

Finally, please message class teachers if you have any questions about education, but contact the school office for any administrative issues so that teachers can concentrate on teaching.

Dojo Message – Head Teacher Update

As Highland is now in Tier 1 for Covid-19, there are a number of changes which we can and need to put in place to follow the updated guidance.

Indoor PE – from Monday 9th November, we will be starting to have indoor PE and all classes will have a session of up to an hour once a week.

Your child’s teacher will let you know their day.  We have fully risk assessed this and children cannot access the changing rooms so need to change in the classroom.  We therefore recommend that they either come to school wearing their PE kit under their clothes so they just need to take off the outer layer and then put it back on again.

However, children do not need to wear shorts for PE and could come to school that day in tracksuit bottoms and wear them for PE without needing to change at all.  Likewise, they can have their PE lesson in their usual t-shirt or polo-shirt by just removing their sweatshirt.

They do, however, need to have some type of gym shoes and while most families have provided indoor shoes for children a few have not and children will not be allowed to participate in indoor PE in outdoor shoes if these are not suitable.  We have made provision so that equipment is not shared across classes.  We will also continue to do the ‘Daily Mile’ two or three times a week to provide exercise on the other days.

Schoolbags – We understand that some parents would like children to bring schoolbags to school, but we have resisted this as we have no storage for these and schoolbags can encourage children to bring more items back and forward from home to school than may be necessary, however, we understand that children in P6 and P7 who are taking home Chromebooks are worried about damage to them while in purple sacs.

Therefore, children in P6 and P7 will be allowed to bring schoolbags to school again for a trial period to see how this works.  Children in P6 and P7 do not need to bring their charger to school as we have spare ones for emergencies if needed.  Also, please do not put water bottles in school bags along with Chromebooks.

Children in P1-5 have very little to take to and from school and this should fit in the purple sac each day, so no schoolbags in these classes, please.

Morning start times – We would like to continue with our flexible start but tighten up a little on the times.

P4-7 flexible start 8.55 – 9.05      and     P1-3 flexible start 9.10 – 9.20. 

This will allow us to get started just a little earlier each day while still preventing classes mixing.  Children in P1-3 who are in the playground before 9.10 will not be supervised as I do not have staff available for this role.

Face coverings – in line with government guidance for Tier 1, parents are requested to wear face coverings while visiting any school site.

This includes the car park and waiting areas outside the gates and I would be obliged if parents would wear face coverings when accompanying their child to and from school or nursery.

I would further request that we have NO DOGS in the school grounds. This has been school policy for many years and is there for the protection of all children and for hygiene reasons.

Activities next week

Flu nasal spray – Wednesday 11th November 2020.

Armistice – to commemorate the 102nd anniversary of the end of World War I, we will be making a ‘cascade’ display of poppies on the internal stairs in school and will chose two P7 pupils to lay a small home made wreath at this site at 11.02 on Wednesday morning after our 2 minutes silence.

We are hoping to video this to share will all classes and will post it on dojo and the school website so that parents can view this after the event.  If time allows we are hoping to make a wreath of little crosses on the hill in the playground and you will be able to see this from the area outside the school main entrance looking down.

We have poppies for all children in P4-7 to wear and sticky on poppy labels for all children.

Children in Need – Friday 13th.  The theme of ‘together we can…..’ will be reinforced in many ways in all classes with a range of activities.  ]

We ask that children all come to school that day wearing bright colours so that together we can make a rainbow to remember our NHS heroes.  No need to buy anything new, just wear whatever colour you like.  We will have all sorts of fun activities in school, all of which will be free for everyone to join in.

As both Children in Need and the Scottish Poppy Appeal are charities who are trying to raise money, we will have a collection box in each classroom and will split the money collected between these two very worthwhile causes.  We do appreciate money can be tight for many families and would simply ask you to give what you can afford to.

Parent Council – the Parent Council met on Tuesday evening and the minutes will shortly be posted on the school website.  I am grateful for their continued support and advice as we steer our way thought this global pandemic while still trying to give the children the best education possible and make sure they have fun in school too.